How to change the album cover on Spotify 2024

Have you ever wondered if you can make Spotify yours by customizing the album covers? Well, you totally can!

Changing the album artwork in Spotify is a cool way to personalize your music profile.

All your friends will see your musical style shine through with the album covers YOU pick out. The process is pretty simple – with just a few clicks, you’ll unlock the secret to swapping any album cover on Spotify for something more to your taste.

Change album cover on Spotify via Android/iPhone

Just follow The below step-by-step guide and you can easily change the album cover on Spotify for Android and iPhone:

For Android:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Navigate to the album page whose cover you want to edit.
  3. Tap the three dots menu in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Select ‘Edit Info’ in the menu that pops up.
  5. Tap on the current album artwork to open your photo gallery.
  6. Choose a new photo from your gallery to use as the new album artwork. Crop it if needed.
  7. Hit the back button when you are done selecting the photo.
  8. Tap the blue ‘SAVE’ button at the top right to save the new album artwork.

For iPhone:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your iPhone.
  2. Use the search bar to find the album whose cover you wish to change.
  3. On the album page, tap the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Select ‘Edit Info from the menu options.
  5. Tap ‘Change Image’ under the current album artwork.
  6. Select ‘Take Photo’ or ‘Choose from Library’ for your new artwork.
  7. Please choose an image and edit/crop it as needed.
  8. Hit ‘Choose’ when your new artwork is ready. This will save it.

The new album cover photo you selected will now appear on Spotify on both your Android and iPhone devices. Let your creativity shine by customizing your favorite album covers!

Change album cover on Spotify via PC/Mac

Using a PC:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your PC. Then navigate to the album page of the cover you want to edit.
  2. Right-click on the current album cover and click on “Edit Info” from the drop-down menu.
  3. A pop-up will appear. Click on the rectangular album art icon under the title and artist.
  4. A window will open allowing you to upload a new photo from your computer files to use as the new cover. Select your preferred image.
  5. You can drag the new artwork photo and resize or reposition it if needed.
  6. Once ready, click the blue “Save” button at the bottom right to change and save the new album cover.

Using a Mac:

  1. Open Spotify on your Mac and use the search box to find the album you want to edit.
  2. Control-click or right-click directly on the album cover art itself.
  3. Select the “Edit Info” option from the menu.
  4. In the pop-up window, click “Change Image” under the current artwork.
  5. In your Mac Finder window, locate and choose a new image file for the album cover.
  6. You can drag/resize the new artwork in the Spotify window until satisfied.
  7. Finally, click the blue “Done” button at the top right corner to save your new album artwork.

Both PC and Mac make it easy to customize Spotify with your album covers. Have fun designing!

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Change the album cover for your local files on Spotify

  1. Add your local files to Spotify’s local files feature on either desktop or mobile. Make sure the files are properly tagged.
  2. Find the album page in Spotify for the local files you want to edit the cover art for.
  3. Click the three-dot menu on mobile or right-click the desktop album art, then select “Edit Info.”
  4. In the edit window, tap or click on the current artwork to open a file picker.
  5. Browse and select the new image you want to use from your device storage files.
  6. Once selected, Spotify will automatically set and fit the image as the new album cover.
  7. Finally, click Save or Done to confirm the changes.

Now when you view that album on Spotify, your locally added release should display with the custom cover art you set. Keep in mind this only works for albums and files you added, not Spotify catalog content.

Change album cover on Spotify playlist

  1. Open the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device and navigate to the playlist whose cover image you want to change.
  2. Click on the current album art thumbnail for the playlist.
  3. If you are on mobile, this will open your device’s File Manager – find and select a new photo to upload. On the desktop, it will open a File Explorer window for you to choose a new photo file.
  4. Select and open the image you want to use as the new playlist cover. Crop it if needed.
  5. Hit the back arrow (on mobile) or click Save (on desktop). This will set and save your newly selected photo as the playlist’s cover image.

Do note that for collaborative or public playlists, anyone who is a playlist contributor has permission to change the cover photo at any time. So your new playlist artwork may not remain forever if someone else edits the playlist later on.

Change album name on Spotify

  1. Open the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device and go to the album page that you want to edit.
  2. Find the 3 dots “…” menu button in the upper right corner (on mobile) or right-click the album art (on desktop) and choose “Edit Info”.
  3. This will open an editing window. Click on the current album title to edit it.
  4. Delete the current title and type in your new preferred name for the album.
  5. You can also change the artist’s name, album cover, and other data here if needed.
  6. When finished, click the blue “SAVE” button (on mobile) or green “Done” button (on desktop) in the upper right to save changes.

That’s it! The album name will be updated to your new title across Spotify.

Why can’t I change the album cover on Spotify?

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to change an album cover on Spotify:

  • Licensing restrictions – Spotify has licensing agreements with record labels and distributors that may prohibit editing metadata like album artwork for some artists. These are usually for bigger or premium artists.
  • Local files only – Spotify only allows you to edit album info like the cover image for songs/albums you have personally added from your local device storage. Spotify’s catalog content cannot be edited.
  • Platform limitations – Editing album info can only be done on the Spotify desktop app and mobile apps. You cannot change covers on the web player. Also, title/artist edits are only on the desktop.
  • User permissions – For collaborative playlists, you did not personally create, or if you subscribed to a playlist without edit rights, you won’t be able to modify details like the cover image.


Q: Can I change album covers for my downloaded Spotify songs?
A: No, you can only edit covers for local files added from your device storage.

Q: Does new album art update across devices when I edit it?
A: Yes, the edited cover photo syncs across mobile, desktop, etc when connected to the same WiFi and Spotify account.

Q: Can playlist subscribers see my playlist artwork changes?
A: Yes, your edits to playlist details are visible to all followers. Unless it’s a collaborative playlist that others can also edit.

Last Words

You can change the album covers on Spotify, but only for songs saved from your computer. Songs that stream on Spotify can’t have their covers changed because of music rules.

If you edit an album cover, it will update on all your devices that use Spotify. But if your playlist is public, others can also edit the cover image. Still, customizing covers for albums and playlists that only you control lets you have fun being creative!

Just know there are some limits since Spotify has contracts on streaming rights and shared permissions on certain music. You can style covers for your stuff in your own Spotify library, but not always on public playlists or the zillions of songs available to stream from artists.

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